GPS Coaching is nothing without teamwork...this is a journey that requires work from both the client and the coach. Feel free to read the testimonies from past and present clients and how they feel GPS Coaching has helped educate them while changing their health and physique.
Chris is an incredible coach to work with! I was blessed to have Chris sponsor me for my figure competition October 20th. Her approach to coaching is wonderful, she has her athlete's best interest at heart every step of the way. I learned a lot during our posing practices, the cues Chris came up with just worked so well for me. She taught me to pose and still feel relaxed while posing, holding those quarter turn poses is so important and thanks to Chris I felt awesome! With her style of nutrition coaching we went with carb cycling and it worked so well for me. I was leaner than I thought I would be when I stepped on stage and my peak week was awesome. This journey was incredible and I highly, highly recommend Chris to anyone who plans on competing.
I began working with Chris at the beginning of January 2019 and won my IPE Pro card at the end of May 2019. Chris was an absolutely amazing coach to work with throughout my entire prep process. Before I began working with Chris, I maintained a pretty healthy balanced diet and had been lifting for a couple of years. I had been thinking about competing but was always too nervous to take that initial leap. She went out of her way to really get to know me as a person and as an athlete so that she was able to coach me to the best of her ability right away. She has a huge knowledge base when it comes to nutrition, health and fitness, especially in the competition world. Chris was not only a great coach but an incredible support system. Competition prep is extremely challenging both mentally and physically, but as a former competitor herself, Chris gets it. She cares deeply for her athletes and their success both on and off the stage. She is constantly challenging herself to learn and become a better coach however she can. Because of her expertise, I was able to put all of my worries aside and just trust that my coach had it handled. After just one season of competing I feel completely transformed as an overall person, and I owe so much of that to Chris and her outstanding coaching. I would highly recommend her to anyone that is thinking about competing
I started working with Chris two years ago. I found myself in a calorie deficit that had been extreme and long term and I was steadily putting on weight. Chris evaluated my current macros, started me on a lifting program and I began a reverse diet. Fast forward to this year and I began prepping for a bikini competition. My body has completely changed from where I was two years ago and I am in a good place mentally. I am headed into a two year off-season with a focus on powerlifing to increase strength and stoke my metabolic fire. I can never thank Chris enough for all that she has taught me, being available to my emotional moments, and all of the goals she has helped me accomplish.
~ Carrie
I love Chris!!!! She is very knowledgeable and knows what she's doing! She has helped me not only lose weight (Pre-pregnancy of course), but she helped me with confidence when it comes to lifting, and lifting heavy!! Chris is patient but will kick your butt into gear when you need it. Big thanks to Chris for everything. ~ Bailey
Best Coach Ever!! GPS Coaching helped me become more knowledgeable about myself and I definitely improved my diet, posing and the way I train. Thank Chris for helping me get to the stage. ~ Seth
Hey Everyone! I just wanted to let you all know the best coach ever aka Chris Goodman has some spots open for coaching this year if you are looking to compete! Chris was an amazing coach that took me from a very rough competing space into working towards the best body I have ever had! Unfortunately, I had to stop training due to sciatica/spine issues, which was out of Chris's control and my control yet she continued to support me and help me thru my rehab process. I still cannot train the way I wish I could but maybe one day I will get back in the ropes! Chris has personal experience from competing in the bodybuilding world herself, as well as, has coached others who have done so well! If you are serious about taking your lifting and health to the next step, Chris is your woman! #gpscoaching ~Janine